Executive Board
The IFR Resources Marines consists of a management team and a board of directors made up of the responsibles for each research unit, appointed scientific members, the directors of the MSc MARRES program, and the scientific managers of the LIA ROPSE (UCA-CSM). The Board meets four times a year to plan the IFR's future activities.
IFR MARRES director
assitant director
Mohamed MEHIRI
IFR MARRES assistant director
Eric RÖTTINGER is the research director CNRS and responsible for the "Stress Response, Regeneration & Longevity" team and the lnstitute of Research on Cancer and Aging (IRCAN).
Research areas: Biology (Stress Response, Regeneration, Longevity), Evolution, Functional Genomics, Health.
Other activities:
- Assistant director of MSc MARRES
- Member of the Scientifique Coucil of Labex SIGNALIFE
- Member of the Innovation Hub "Aging and Well-being" at l’Université Européenne Ulysseus
- President of the Council of the National Infrastructure for Access to Marine Bio-resources - EMBRC-FranceLuisa Mangialajo is a senior lecturer at the Université Côte d'Azur and coordinates a team working on the theme of "Conservation and restoration of marine forests" within the Laboratory (ECOSEAS).
Research areas: Fundamental and community ecology; Interactions in marine coastal ecosystems; effects of global warming; ecological conservation and restoration.
Other activites:
- Member of the Scientifique Coucil of Réseau des Universités Marines
- Member of the Scientifique Coucil of l’EUR Life (UCA)
- Site Scientific Coordinator Natura2000 Cap FerratMohamed MEHIRI is a senior lecturer at the Université Côte D'Azur and dead of the "Natural Marine Products" team at the Chemistry Institute of Nice (ICN).
Research areas : Natural marine substances, Analytical chemistry, Organic chemistry, Chemistry-Biology, Health.
Other activities:
- Director of the Plateforme Technologique de Chimie (PFTC) in the ICN. - BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Unity Director
RepresentativeCécile SABOURAULT
Luisa MANGIALAJOCecile.Sabourault@univ-cotedazur.fr
luisa.passeron-mangialajo@univ-cotedazur.frUnity Director
RepresentativeIsabelle Thery
Tatiana THEODOROPOULOUisabelle.thery@univ-cotedazur.fr
Theodoropoulou.TATIANA@univ-cotedazur.frUnity Director
RepresentativeJacky KRAFFT
Nathalie LAZARICjackie.krafft@gredeg.cnrs.fr
nathalie.lazaric@gredeg.cnrs.frUnity Director
RepresentativeUwe MEIERHENRICH
Mohamed MEHIRIuwe.meierhenrich@univ-cotedazur.fr
mohamed.mehiri@univ-cotedazur.frUnity Director
RepresentativeMaureen CLERC
Olivier BERNARDmaureen.clerc@inria.fr
olivier.bernard@inria.frUnity Director
RepresentativeEric GILSON
Eric ROTTINGEReric.gilson@univ-cotedazur.fr
eric.rottinger@univ-cotedazur.frUnity Director
RepresentativeAnne MILLET-DEVALLE
Jean-Christophe MARTINAnne.Millet-Devalle@univ-cotedazur.fr
Jean-Christophe.martin@univ-cotedazur.frScientific Director UCA
Scientific Director CSMPaola FURLA
Dorota CZERUCKApaola.furla@univ-cotedazur.fr